
検索キーワード「pheromosa shiny」に一致する投稿を表示しています

[10000ダウンロード済み√] ub02 beauty 798894

  also two Ultra Beasts called UB02, UB02 Beauty and UB02 Expansionshows UB02 Expansion appearing in Pokémon Sun, facing off against Tapu Koko UB02 Beauty facing off against Tapu Koko in Pokémon Moon also states that UB01's name isSUN Passimian, Lycandias, Solgaleo, UB02Absorption MOON Oranguru, Lycanoche, Lunala, UB02Beauty And I've seen rumoured SUN AVulpix, Turtonator MOON ASandshrew, Drampa Oh man I hope the Vulpix one is true That's the one I was worried about since I heard it was an exclusive I just didn't know which version YES PLEASE SUN IF SO I DON'THttp//bitly/PokeaimMD POKEMON SUN AND MOON NEW POKEMON! Chapter 16 Ultra Beast Missions Pokemon Sun Moon Walkthrough Ub02 beauty